Beauty Benefits of Roses

Roses are red, violets are blue. The weather is dry, and your skin probably is too.

Dry skin is arguably the most common beauty issue we face throughout the cold Dallas winter. For some, a little dryness can be a blessing for clearing up blemishes. For those in the thick of mixer season or preparing for Valentine’s Day, the curse of dry skin could mean turning your best glam makeup into an uneven, flakey mess. The solution…roses!

Roses have become an increasingly popular ingredient in skin care products not only for their scent and symbolism, but their numerous beauty benefits. When used for skin care, roses provide wound healing, reduced redness, toning, and moisturizing.

Roses are now ingredients in many scrubs, lip balms, serums, and perfumes. However, rose oils and rose waters are dominating the market for combating dry skin.

Rose oil is the essential oil extracted from rose petals. It takes thousands of roses to make a single ounce of rose oil, but the product is extremely concentrated—only a few drops are needed to reap its benefits. It is known for its ability to soothe dry and sensitive skin, while diminishing redness for an even-toned complexion.

Rose water, a byproduct of rose oil, produces similar benefits. It is a lighter applicant, and many rose-water sprays double as a makeup setter and can be applied throughout the day.

Mario Badescu, Pixi, Herbivore, and other popular skincare brands have rolled out rose-based products, and received a lot of attention for it.

The beauty benefits of roses are undeniable, and these products will be giving your skin some major love just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Caroline Lidl

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