What if Barry’s Bootcamp and ONELAGREE pilates had a baby? Well, that basically happened! SculptHouse is set to open in May and I can honestly say you have been missing out on the best workout.
According to the company’s website, “SculptHouse is where you come to sculpt the physique you want using the most sophisticated low-impact but high-intensity human-powered machines on the market. We believe that you have the power to transform your body, so none of our equipment relies on electricity.”
Nope, this isn’t a promo or a paid article. I actually fell in love with this workout while living in Atlanta temporarily. SculptHouse combines both Woodway Curve treadmills and Megaformers, which is why I found that my abs were incredibly sore and my knees and other spots were not hurting like they normally are with traditional treadmills.
The classes are 50 minutes—either 25 minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the Megaformer or 50 minutes on the Megaformer, depending on whether you choose CardioSculpt or StrengthSculpt. Either class you decide to take is an incredible workout with hands-on instructors that make sure your form is correct. This intimate environment helps prevent injuries from incorrect form, which I find can be so common in group classes.
Still not convinced to try their classes? On top of the workouts, Sculpthouse has a must-see athleisure boutique with brands like Michi, Esseutesse, Koral, Varley and many others. Be sure to go check out Dallas’ new “it” workout that will show you long lasting results and dress you in the cutest workout clothes.