Easily my favorite designer ever, Alexander McQueen was truly a fashion genius. Though he committed suicide tragically in 2010, his designs live on as some of the darkest, most incredible creations to have ever graced the runways. I’ve always found it fascinating how he allowed his demons to influence his collections, so I’ve decided to take moments from his masterfully ominous shows that I believe truly capture the moods of quarantine, finals, and missing college.
Please enjoy my silly bit of fun.
When all you want to do is enjoy the nice weather but you’re forced to stay in because of quarantine:

Showing up to Zoom lectures like:

When professors hit you with more work because “you have nothing better to do in quarantine”:

Preparing yourself for finals like:
Ignoring the three essays I have due:

Wearing your jungle outfit around the house because you’re sad and it’s a departure from loungewear for once:

Waking up and walking downstairs to face another day of reconciling with the fact that the nightmare of COVID-19 is still not over:

My mind when I try to focus on any schoolwork for longer than five minutes:

When professors don’t show up to their office hours or answer the emails you send them:

Me, teetering through finals week:

Realizing that nope, you still can’t go outside:

Trying to package my garbage ideas and rubbish thesis into a pretty essay:

Turning in my term paper and daring my professor to criticize it:

When you finally finish all of your exams and realize that even if you don’t do well you can just take the S: