With the end of the school year only days away, I thought that it was fitting that we “Take a Look” at our fabulous Digital Director Emma! Emma is a senior from Manhattan Beach, California, and she currently serves as our Spring Digital Director. I am so excited for you all to get to know more about her!
In one word, describe yourself!
EC: Motivated. I’ve always found myself tackling new projects and wanting to get things done. While this can often overwhelm me because being motivated to do everything means there’s so much on my plate all the time, it’s always worth it in the end and I love looking back on what I’ve accomplished.
What have you enjoyed most about your years at SMU?
EC: The friendships I’ve made, 100%. The people I have met here have seriously changed my life forever. Looking back, each person I’ve met has impacted my life and taught me something in their own individual way. I think that’s what made my time here so special. It’s rare to have friends that are able to teach you something that makes you a better person.

Why’d you initially join SMU Look & how has it impacted your college experience?
EC: I joined SMU look because in high school I had always been on the yearbook staff and I knew I wanted to join something similar. I love fashion, lifestyle, and beauty and of course writing so this was the perfect mix for me. Being on staff has taught me so much more about writing and finding things that really speak to our readers. I’ve also met so many people that I wouldn’t have met or become friends with if I weren’t on staff.
What is your favorite article you’ve written for the website?
EC: My favorite articles I’ve written are my “Make a Statement” series. It’s always fun to gather a group of statement pieces that aren’t everyday pieces but super fun pieces.
What is one thing you wore freshman year that you’d NEVER wear now?
EC: A black choker. I used to accessorize with a choker for every single outfit I wore. I thought it was so cute and a little bad-ass. I laugh looking at photos of myself wearing that and I think “Was I literally crazy? That looks so horrible”.
What is one thing you wore freshman year that you STILL wear today?
EC: Two things that I still wear today that I wore freshman year are a black pair of booties and a good pair of jean shorts. I think black booties are absolutely essential to every girl’s wardrobe and I don’t see them ever going out of style. As for jean shorts, growing up in California I was always in a pair of shorts. Being in Dallas, where its a little fancier than what I’m used to, I still found a way to incorporate my CA wardrobe into my outfits here. Some of my favorite outfits I’ve worn consist of a cute pair of jean shorts and a fancier top!
What are your post-college plans?
EC: HAHA. You’re not the first person to ask… While I don’t have a job set up yet, I’m hoping to move to NYC and work for an online publication similar to SMU Look.