Let’s be real; It feels like we have been in quarantine forever. It feels like all sense of freedom was stripped from us, without any prior warning. It is so easy to get annoyed and complain about Coronavirus, and as fun as that is for a moment, we all eventually have to come to grips with the fact that we’ve got a couple more weeks of this and complaining has gotten old. Instead, let’s make the most of this time and look at all the positives!
1. I’ve never had this much family time in my life.
On day one of isolation, I thought that being at home with my family was going to be a straight-up disaster. I have five siblings, and it’s always chaotic at my house. I was missing my peace and frankly just needed a break, and it had only been a couple of hours. However, after a couple of weeks of being at home, I began to put things into perspective.
I just started my freshman year of college this school year. How many more times am I going to have the opportunity to spend with just my immediate family? I’ve now realized that I am so lucky to be able to spend time with are essentially forced to love me back. I’m here for it.
3. Rest
At school, I felt like my mind was running at a sprint. I felt like I constantly had somewhere to be, someone to be talking to, or something to be doing. As much as I loved that, I have also found so much peace in just taking a break. It’s so want to be continually moving, but let’s be honest: we all needed a break. I’ve been taking this time just to slow down.
Thank goodness I have had all this time on my hands to focus on what’s most important to me, plan out goals that I was always “too busy” for, and catch up on all the sleep that SMU stole from me.
3. Our health is more important than ever.
This one is kind of a no-brainer. This pandemic has seriously stressed on the importance of our health. Practically the whole world is washing their hands as if our lives depend on it… Because it kind of does.
All jokes aside, I am so grateful for how this time has allowed us to get on our fitness grind. I’ve never seen so many people out walking or doing at-home workouts before, but I am happy that we can take this time to take care of our bodies.