Look Back: The Evolution of Shapewear

Looking to alter your body without going under the knife? Corsets and body shapers have been the answer for centuries.

What We Wore: Halloween Edition

Check out the SMU Look Staff’s Halloween Costumes

What We Wore: Halloween Edition

Check out the SMU Look Staff’s Halloween Costumes

Paris Fashion Week Recap

A recap of the best shows and trends to look out for next season.

Not so Forever…

Bankrupt Forever 21 grasps for a new wave of clients.

Take a Look: Grace Randall

Madonna said it best, Express Yourself!

Take a Look: Bailey Harrison

Who is Bailey Harrison? I’m here to let you in on this Dallas-based, eco-friendly fashion secret.

60 Seconds of Style

IN THIS SMU LOOK STYLE Report, Caroline McLaughlin shows us inside a stylish male student’s closet in this edition of 60 Seconds of Style. Take a look!