Calling all seniors!! It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for…The coveted trip to Las Vegas for fall break. Get ready for days spent by the pool and late nights dancing to your favorite DJs. The whirlwind of a weekend will go by in an instant, so it’s better to be prepared and have everything you need at your disposal.
Here are some suggestions to get you through the weekend with all of the essentials, plus a few ideas to keep you looking fresh, even when you may not feel like it.
What You’ll Need
Night Outfits: One for each night that you will be there (2-3 nights). This is the time to go all-out and wear that sparkly dress or statement piece that felt too crazy to wear at school. Make sure that your shoes are comfortable because you’ll constantly be on your feet!
Bathing Suits: One for each day that you will be spending by the pool (most likely 2). Bring a cover-up, even though you will probably take it off when you get there.
Sunglasses: To complete your day-time look.
Makeup Wipes: Because you will probably be too lazy to wash your face when you get back to your hotel room.
Advil: To reduce your inevitable hangover.
Bandaids: For potential blisters from your heels or hazards that you did not expect.
Comfy Outfit: For the plane ride home.
If you’re feeling a little extra, you may consider adding these to your packing list.
Hangover Cures: There are a few ways to go with this. One option is a hangover patch that you physically wear on your skin. The Bytox Hangover Patch is not noticeable because it’s clear and you can easily hide it. The patch contains vitamin B12 plus other B vitamins that will help replenish your body. Another option is PartySmart pills which can be purchased on Amazon or in-store at Whole Foods. Take it right after you’ve had a few drinks.
Liquid IV: Pour a packet of this powdered magic into your water when you get home from your night out or drink it as soon as you wake up in the morning. It’s better than drinking water alone and will replenish your body’s electrolytes, so you’re ready to conquer the day.

Fan: To cool you off wherever and whenever. If you don’t want to physically wave your hand, get a mini fan that plugs into your iPhone. Another option that can double as an accessory is a hand-held fan. Both options will take up little space in your purse.
Under Eye Mask: For when you wake up in the morning and don’t recognize yourself. My personal favorite is the Baggage Claim Eye Mask from Wander Beauty.
Dry Shampoo: For when you’re too tired to do your hair after the pool or too hungover to do your hair in general.
Portable Phone Charger: You will probably be running around all day and night, so charging your phone is the last thing you want to worry about.
Disposable Camera: For the mems!
Jet Lag Mask: Make your skin glow and hide the tiredness that you’re feeling inside with a face mask. If you want to splurge, the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask is my go-to. If you’re short on time, you can also get a few sheet masks from the drugstore that will do the trick!
Be safe and have fun!