Brooke’s Best: August Edition
I have always loved when bloggers and influencers make a list of their monthly favorites; for some reason when someone has a nice Instagram, I immediately take their opinions on products or content they have been loving as gospel. Because I follow these monthly favorite lists so religiously, I decided it might be fun to start making my own and collecting my obsessions of the month here in case anyone also wants to trust my opinions on things wholeheartedly (a girl can dream, right?). So I introduce to you, Brooke’s Best: a comprehensive list of things I just could not get enough of during the month of August, from beauty to fashion to pop culture to literally anything I randomly have been loving and needed to share with the world.
Brooke’s Best Skincare Product:
I hate to admit this, especially in writing, but I was a long-time coconut oil user for removing my makeup. I know, I know, honestly embarrassing looking back now and knowing how bad that must have been for the breathability of my skin, but that satisfaction of rubbing a lotion-like substance on a full face of makeup and then wiping it off to a fresh, smooth face is truly immaculate. So when I found out that coconut oil was so detrimental to my skin, I needed to find something that gave me that same feeling without clogging my pores entirely. Enter Lush’s Ultrabland; seriously cannot sing the praises of this product or this company enough! I’ve gone through two pots of it in under two months and now cannot imagine my daily routine without it now. Yeah, clean beauty!
Brooke’s Best Fashion Trend:
My entire life has been a series of disappointing trips to the eye doctor where I was consistently told that I had perfect vision and didn’t need glasses (I know, how tragic!). Every normal person would love this news, but for some reason, I have always wanted glasses, probably to help push along my perpetual dream to be cute and quirky. Last semester, I started wearing random blue light glasses I had found on Amazon for like $5, but after a while of using them, I noticed that they actually helped! After a trip to the eye doctor, I learned that I actually could use blue light glasses with a super slight prescription, meaning that I could order Warby Parker glasses and not just wear clear lenses! Score! I have the Arlen frames in Jet Black, but I am seriously obsessed with all of Warby Parker – so reasonably priced, so cute, and the coolest advertising!
Brooke’s Best Podcast:
If you know me, you know I’m a big podcast girl. Most recently, I’ve been a lot more routine in listening to The New York Times’ The Daily. This podcast recommendation will come as no surprise to anyone who has spoken to me for more than 10 minutes in the past month, but it seriously is such an easy podcast to get hooked on! A new 20-30 minute episode is released every day, normally covering a special interest story relevant to current events. Last week, there was a two-part series all about the life of Breonna Taylor and an episode surrounding the theatre industry’s first attempt at live performance since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. I listen to it every day on my walks to class or on my morning runs and have seriously become obsessed. Also, Michael Barbaro’s voice is super calming, so it makes for easy listening.
These are only a couple of things I have been loving in August – I seriously could go on and on about different recommendations from movies to clothes to music to everything in between! Give these things a try, spend some time thinking about what you have been loving, and maybe start checking back in every month for Brooke’s Best!