There always seems to be a “shoe of the year,” it’s just a matter of finding out what it is. Typically, it seems the shoes that celebs tend to wear are, frankly, out of my college budget. However, this season I have noticed one sneaker that celebrities are wearing. Best part is the shoes are available for purchase for less than $200.

If you don’t already know about them, they are the New Balance 550s. I believe these are the perfect sneaker for anyone who loves to dress down their outfits with a sneaker and those who love athleisure wear. The New Balance 550s are even ideal if you are in the market for a new closet staple that won’t break the bank.

Here are some places where you can buy them, in a variety of different colors!

New Balance 550 Sea Salt Varsity Gold

New Balance 550 White Royal Black

I think I just helped you find your new sneaker of the year!